Welcome to
Netball Wellington Centre

U14 Player Development Programme

Our alternative under 14 player ​​​​​​​development programme (PDP) was introduced in 2020 and following it's success for players & coaches involved, we would love to welcome a broad pool of players to take up this opportunity in 2024.

Please note:
To attend our U14 Player Development Programme you must be at college (not Year 8) and 13 years of age or younger on 1 January 2024.

This alternative player development programme replaces a representative programme for this age group.  It has been designed to benefit a wider pool of players and coaches than previous representative programmes. No more trials where selection narrows down to a max of two teams (24 players total) & max two coaches per team. Extending inclusion means we can now welcome upwards of 70 players, provide the chance for at least 8 coaches to gain further extension plus also offer development for helpful managers.

Trials and associated pressure has been removed for this age group. Instead, we encourage all players of any gender and dis/ability who meet the age requirement stated in bold above to put their name forward to benefit from this fun and engaging opportunity aimed at growing your on-court confidence and game knowledge.  Everyone takes part - no one misses out!

The programme includes up to 6-weeks of development sessions, and incorporates up to three opportunities for game play.

For the first week players will work on skills and tactics in preparation for a Centre Game Day in week 2 where players will be placed randomly across evenly matched teams. Grading occurs in an effort to ensure maximum participation, enjoyment and engagement. Following the Centre Game Day players may then be graded into tiered age group teams and complete at a Festival game day. They then complete a further two development sessions with their designated team in preparation for a final Festival game day held in September.

 Attendees are encouraged to attend all 6 dates to gain maximum benefit from this experience.

Transport costs to/from game days will be user pays.  Carpool may be arranged.

We welcome all keen netballers to get involved and look forward to developing you further!


  • Sunday 4 August 10am-12pm - skill development session #1
  • Sunday 11 August 10am-12pm - skill development session #2 + Centre Game Day
  • Sunday 18 August 9am-4pm approx - Wellington Region U14 Festival Day #1 hosted by Netball Hutt Valley at Taita Courts, Hutt Valley
  • Sunday 25 August 10am-12pm - skill development session #3
  • Sunday 1 September 10am-12pm - skill development session #4
  • Sunday 8 September 9am-2.30pm approx - Wellington Region U14 Festival Day #2 hosted by Netball Wellington Centre, Hataitai Netball Courts, 43 Ruahine Street, Hataitai
  • Rain Day: Sunday 15 September

All development sessions held at Hataitai Netball Courts.
​​​​​​​Fee: $70 per participant
Fixed fee includes all 6 sessions - refund not available for session/s missed.

Game day playing attire consists of black t-shirt, leggings/shorts & supportive netball shoes - comfort & safety come first.

To register:
Online registration link will be made available once activated by mid July - sign-up here​​​​​​​

Coach & Manager opportunity also available
This programme provides a great chance for coaches and managers to work alongside each other and expand their skills and coaching knowledge in a supportive circle.  A beneficial experience also for student coaches or intermediate coaches keen to develop their own skills or pick up new activities and ideas while shadowing experienced coaches happy to offer guidance. 
​​​​​​​If interested in getting involved please email admin@netballwellington.co.nz.

To be added to our mail list & receive notification once sign-up opens - email admin@netballwellington.co.nz providing participant name, school & age.

Any queries or late sign-up enquiries - contact NWC Community Development Officer John Neho on admin@netballwellington.co.nz