Welcome to
Netball Wellington Centre

Upcoming Workshop Opportunities​​​​​​​

2024 Learning Opportunities

Sessions offered for coaches, managers and umpires of any age, experience or sport code near & far to help guide you on your coach journey and gain fresh ideas.

A variety of hosts with guest facilitators - fantastic opportunities to learn and connect with others.
Prior experience not necessary.
Pick and choose topics of interest as suits your learning needs.

Formal (accredited) and informal (interest-focused) learning opportunities on offer.

CCA1&2 course names may alter slightly to help with promotion yet many fall under NNZ accredited courses to assist those hoping to complete modules along the NNZ Coaching Framework.  If progressing towards Community Coach Award level 1 (CCA1) or level 2 (CCA2) you will be credited with the appropriate module once attended & necessary online components complete.

2024 upcoming sessions:

    Monday 21 October​​​​​​​ - Team Culture (Level 1)
    Explore what kind of vibe you want to create in your team & how to successfully go about embedding it.
    Register here ​​​​​​​

    Monday 4 November​​​​​​​ - Building Relationships (Level 1)
    Take a deeper look at how we develop effective relationships & communication that gets the best out of our players and parents.
    ​​​​​​​Register here ​​​​​​​

    Monday 18 November - Introduction to Mental Skills (Level 2)
    Focus on developing four basic mental skills aimed at facilitating improved self-confidence and performance.
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Register here ​​​​​​​

    Monday 2 December - Season and Session Planning (Level 1)
    How to plan for a good season & individual training sessions. Talk through the many elements you need to consider when creating your own season overview & realistic time management involved.
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Register here ​​​​​​​

    If you have any requests or ideas for topics of interest or wish to be informed once workshop dates are set, please email ndo@netballwellington.co.nz. 
    ​​​​​​​Your input is most welcome so we can tailor to suit your needs!​​​​​​​

    Netball Central Zone series 2024

    Graeme Robson on Coaching Fundamental Skills - 13 April 2024 in Palmerston North

    Hutt Valley series 2024

    Introduction to Game Analysis - April & May 2024

    FREE futureFERNS workshops for coaches of Year 1-8 players

    Each Satellite arranges FREE workshops located conveniently for their associated member coaches to attend.  By attending, coaches gain access to resources which include pre-planned training sessions along with warm-up, cool-down and other information specific to their appropriate junior modified game.  In addition those attending receive guidance on how to interpret the resource, deliver a quality session and tips for instructing their particular age group.  Whether new to netball, returning after some time away from the sport, coaxed from the sideline to help coach or seeking a refresher before the season starts - it's highly recommended to attend so as to boost your confidence and be reassured you're well-supported in your coaching role.

    Satellite in-person workshop dates below

    Motu Kairangi
    Combined Year 1-4 - Thursday 15 February 2024 from 5.30pm to 7pm at EBIS Library (cancelled due to low interest)
    Enquire/register via email to mkjuniornetball@gmail.com
    Combined Year 5-8 - Wednesday 24 April 2024 from 6pm to 8pm at Hataitai Netball Pavilion, 43 Ruahine Street.  Enquire/register via email to mkseniornetball@gmail.com
    Combined Year 1-4 - Thursday 17 October 2024 from 5.30pm to 7pm at EBIS Library
    Enquire/register via email to mkjuniornetball@gmail.com

    Northern Suburbs
    Year 1-4 - Tuesday 9 April 2024 6pm to 8pm at Newlands Primary School Hall. Enquire/register via email to amanda@newlandsprimary.school.nz or year1and2@nsnetball.co.nz
    Combined Year 5-8 - Wednesday 10 April 2024 6pm to 8pm at Newlands Primary School Hall.  Enquire/register via email to amanda@newlandsprimary.school.nz

    ​​​​​​​Wellington West
    Combined Year 5-8 - Monday 8 April 2024 from 6pm to 8pm at St Thomas More Church, 36 Worcester St, Wilton. Enquire/register via email to maria.nunns@gmail.com
    ​​​​​​​Combined Year 1-4 - Thursday 11 April 2024 6.30pm to 8pm at St Thomas More Church, 36 Worcester St, Wilton. Enquire/register via email to maria.nunns@gmail.com

    FREE self-paced online learning via Sport Tutor

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Netball New Zealand have also arranged FREE self-guided modules anyone can complete at your own pace. 
    ​​​​​​​These are offered online via a portal called Sport Tutor. Sign-up is FREE.
    Access Sport Tutor portal here.
    Access Sport Tutor - How To Guide here

    Sport Tutor online learning is designed for anyone involved in netball including coaches, umpires, managers, players, parents and volunteers and is a great access point for free online workshops and resources including topics below:

    • NetballSmart
    • Gain insight into physical requirements for netball.  Covers principles of Smart Preparation, Smart Warm-up, SmartMovement, Smart Training, and Smart Injury Management and how to put these into practice with your team/players.
    • Keeping our Game Safe
      Helps coaches understand Netball NZ expectations outlined in the Netball NZ Constitution and Regulations.
    • Learning to Umpire
      Replaces the Netball NZ Centre Theory test. Must be completed as first step towards the Centre Umpire Award.  Helps understand some of the rules of netball as well as some practical techniques to enhance your umpiring.
    • Understanding 6v6 Netball
      For anyone umpiring, coaching or participating in 6 v 6 Netball.  Covers rules and philosophy of this game.
    • Weekly Support Guide
      Provides tips and templates for coaches to help you through each week of the season.
    • Community Coach Level 1 - Modules
      Access online content to supplement attendance at Attack, Defence, Building Effective Relationships, Player Centred Coaching, and Selecting CCA1 modules.
    • Community Coach Level 2 - Modules
      Access online content to supplement attendance at Mental Skills, Centre Pass, Through Court, Game Analysis, and Circle Work CCA2 modules.
    • netGO Rules Introducation
      Brief review and overview of the rules of netball, covering playing the ball, held ball, short pass, out of court, throw in, footwork, offside, obstruction and contact.

    Sport NZ/Ihi Aotearoa topics:

    • Getting started in coaching
      Are you a ‘new’ coach? Coaching is a positive and fun way to give back to sport and/or the community. However, coaching becomes even more fun, for the coach and the participants, when the coach keeps learning about coaching. The purpose of the module is to give you some general information about how to coach young or beginner participants. Some of the information will be new to you, some of it you may know from your own experiences in sport, or perhaps as a parent or a teacher. But whatever your background, we hope the information here will increase your confidence to coach, and inspire you to learn more about how you can help the children (or beginner adults) you coach have a fun and quality experience. Enjoy the activities in the module and happy coaching!
    • Coaching Safety Net
      Create an enjoyable safe sporting environment for participants and coaches. The purpose of the Coaching Safety Net Module is to give you some ideas about how to create a safe sporting environment. For beginner participants (children or adults), fun is a key reason they get involved in and stay in sport. But for sport to be fun, it needs to be safe (for the participants and the coach). Some of the information in the module is common sense, and some may be new to you. Either way, we hope this module helps you to make sport safe and fun for the participants and yourself.
    • Child safeguarding bite-sized learning series
      How can you play your part to create a safe, positive environment for young people taking part in active recreation and sport? This series of bite-sized learning is aimed at anyone working with or supporting children and will help you understand topics such as motivations of children, building trusted relationships and understanding the different needs for ages and stages of development.
    • Inclusion: A Response to Discrimination
      Aims to help you understand what an inclusive, supportive and safe environment looks like and the impact of your actions on people. You will explore ways that you can support others who may face discrimination in the sector.
    • Sport Safe
      For all paid and volunteer workers in the sport and recreation sector. Takes approximately 20-40 minutes to complete depending on your prior knowledge and experience.After completing this course you will be able to: identify who is responsible for what when it comes to health and safety, identify what your rights are as a paid or volunteer worker, describe some of the systems and processes that are used to keep everyone safe and having fun, identify and manage hazards​​​​​​​​​

    In addition to Netball New Zealand content users may also access a library of additional online learning once registered.  Other sporting organisations using the same platform include Sport NZ/Ihi Aotearoa, Touch NZ, NZ Rugby League and Special Olympics with more getting involved over time.


    Balance Is Better Webinar Series supported by Sport New Zealand

    Upcoming topics
    Topics feature below once known - click linked webinar title to be taken to registration link


    Past webinars

    If you have a time on your hands and seek some online learning or perhaps couldn't attend past webinars, listen to renowned experts sharing their thoughts in a series of replay webinars discussing elements that create a great sporting environment for young people. Whether a coach, administrator or parent, you’ll be able to take some useful tips and tricks. 
    ​​​​​​​Featured topics:

    To explore more, head to the Sport NZ Balance is Better site via this link​​​​​​​

    Sport New Zealand/Ihi Aotearoa - Flow On Effect Series

    Off the back of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™, Sport NZ has received funding from the Government’s leverage and legacy programme to ensure the event has a lasting impact for our communities and to kick start conversations in many areas related to female health and wellbeing. 

    We’re aiming to increase education and awareness about female health and menstruation in physical activity, while working to address period poverty. 

    The Flow on Effect is a Sport NZ initiative about: 

    • reducing barriers and stigma around menstruation
    • providing information for adults supporting young people to be physically active
    • empowering rangatahi to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing while staying active.

    Whether you’re a young person or an adult supporting a young person, check out the resources and stories here​​​​​​

    Access the Going with the Flow resource designed for young people, educators and active recreation providers